0 days to go
20th-22nd March
Duration: 3 Days

Frequently Asked Questions

Have I an option to block meeting times?

All delegates are encouraged to have meetings for all days during the workshop so is not possible to block off any times


When does the appointment system open?

The appointment scheduler will open on Thursday, 2nd March

I have uploaded my profile but it is not there when I log back in

You have 45 minutes to upload your profile so best to upload within the time and save


I want to schedule an appointment again which I initially declined

Please insert date, time and company on help request to clear your declined meeting


My profile is not accepted and need to upload information

The system approves profiles numerous times during each day and you will receive an alert when accepted


There are two persons from my company attending Meitheal so would like a different set for each?

The only option is for one set of appointments for you to share for your company.